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Greater Goal and Leadership

PittAgile Board of Directors

To our fellow students of the agile game,


    We have been reflecting on the success of the last few years, specifically the incredible growth at our annual Gathering. Our organization has been sustained over the years by a passion to help others explore mastery of agile practices.  Led by numerous individuals over the years and now Jeff Pulcini, PittAgile has grown to over 2400 members.   In concert with other leaders Brian Hall, Dave McKenna and Maryann Brendel, the annual PittAgile Gathering has continued to grow and attract bigger names in the agile community. All in the name of helping others find the same joy and success with agile practices they have. 


   As we inspect and adapt on how far we've come and where we want to go, it became clear that in order to meet the growing demand in Pittsburgh, PittAgile needed to grow its leadership. Before committing to new roles or responsibilities, we wanted to establish a Greater Goal. A goal that called all members, leaders or otherwise, to give their very best to execute with purpose. We arrived at this: 


The goal of PittAgile is to build and support the Agile tribe by focusing on both the personal and professional side of people. With the highest measure of success being when our tribe experiences the joy of using their Agile knowledge and craftsmanship to support and improve the people, products, businesses and communities they touch.


 We need your help to hone this goal, as it is part of your journey too. To execute on this goal, we want to invite you in. A future event is planned to invite anyone who would like to have a hand in sharpening this goal with us, so stay tuned for that announcement!


 In commitment to our newly crafted Greater Goal we've formed a board of directors with various areas of focus to keep delivering our monthly meetups and yearly gatherings. We'll be sharing more in the coming weeks as details emerge, as well as begin sharing and inviting you all into the monthly operations of the group. 


   Please do remember, we always want your feedback. We exist to be as helpful as we can, and any feedback to help us inspect and adapt is valuable. Keep an eye on our website and LinkedIn for more information!

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